Non Financial Information Report | Law 11/2018

beginning on or after 1 January 2018.

human rights, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, social responsibility,...

that the non-financial information is correct and reliable.

Non-Financial Reporting Consulting and Advisory Services
Law 11/2018 establishes the obligation for certain companies to produce a Presentation Report, at the consolidated level of companies to which it applies, containing non-financial information regarding the situation of the company/s and their impact on environmental, social and personnel issues, human rights, anti-corruption and bribery, on the society and any relevant non-financial information. Download Law 11/2018
GLOBAL O2 provides consulting and technical assistance in the design of the report model, data collection, processing and analysis, drafting of the non-financial report and support for the external verification process of the report.
Characteristics and Content of the Non-Financial Information Report
Non-Financial Information
Content Aspects
Compliance with Law 11/2018
External Verification
Public Disclosure
The non-financial report shall be publicly available for a minimum period of 5 years and shall be accessible on the organisation’s website.
Information not provided
Transparency in management
Integration with other models
Developments in applicability
GLOBAL O2 Solutions in Non-Financial Reports
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Products and Solutions related to Non-Financial Reports
(28051) Madrid – ESPAÑA
Hours of Operation:
Viernes: de 8:30 a 15:00