ISO 9001 | Quality Management Systems Consulting

Consulting, Audit and Training ISO 9001:2015

A Quality Management System based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard ensures to customers and the market that an organization provides products and services that enhance customer satisfaction and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements (contractual, legal,…), based on a continual improvement achievement and a process approach.

In GLOBAL O2 we design, implement, maintain and improve ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems 100% customed to each client needs, defining the processes and activities of the organization, managing their risks and opportunities, establishing indicators for their monitoring, or adapting and enhancing the existing processes and activities.


Control of the Processes

Defines the activities and processes developed by the organization (sales, purchase, production, shipment, training, HHRR,…) and the interaction among them into the continual improved system.

Context and Interested Parties

Analyses the external and internal situation and determines the interested parties that are relevant to the system. Identifies the needs and expectations of the relevant Interested Parties.

Risks and Opportunities

Provides a “preventive” approach when identifying the risks and opportunities based on processes, context and interested parties. Stablishing actions for their control and evaluating the effectiveness of those actions.

Control of Processes Indicators

Defines indicators for each process (strategic, operative and support), monitoring their effectiveness and performance and establishing actions to ensure the system improvement.

Fulfilment of Compliance Obligations

The input requirements define and design the processes, monitoring indicators and measurement.The analysis is done thoughout performance indicators. 

Control of Providers

Establishes processes and criteria to ensure the right product or service is delivered when it is provided thoughout suppliers/partners on behalf of the organization.

Documented Information

Allows greater flexibility in the structure, management and types of evidence that found and support the system (processes, procedures, operational controls, formats, registers,…) .

External Audit and Certification

Allows the review of the system by an external Certification Body that shows, by a recognized certificate, that the ISO 9001:2015 system meets the requirements of the standard .

Integration with Other Systems

Eases its integration with other management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, UNE 166002,…) using the “High Level Structure” approach, that defines common framework and requirements between the standards.


Increase of the Profitability

Optimises and improves the execution, control of the processes, identification and management of risks and opportunities. Focused on customer satisfaction and regulatory requirements compliance.

Cost Reduction

Instructed to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency enhance of processes. Manages the organization knowledge and reduces the non-quality costs (those coming from nonconformities with requirements, failures,…).

Reduction of the Business Risks

Allows to identify, analyse and manage the business risks and opportunities addressed, establishing actions for its treatment and evaluating its effectiveness.

Enhance Customer Satisfaction

Allows to meet the customer needs and expectations as well as the other interested parties, in order to set actions aimed to guarantee and enhance their satisfaction.

Upgrade in Bids and Tenders

Setting up an ISO 9001 environmental management system, allows the organization to widen the clients portfolio, to build loyalty and to join up into new market niches.

Positive Differentiation

Guarantees the enhance of the development, control and improvement of activities, compliance with the regulatory requirements and the management and control of the activities risks.

Integrable with Other Systems

The requirements established in the “High Level Structure” allows and eases the integration with other management systems (ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, IQNet SR10,…).

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