ISO 22301 | Business Continuity Management Systems Consulting

increase resilience and effective response to incidents

that impacts on the bussines.

competence related with the organization suppliers.

Health and Safety ISO 45001, Energy ISO 50001,...

Consulting, Auditing and Training ISO 22301
Internal and External risk management associated to the appearance of possible disruptive incidents, guaranteeing correct compliance with current and applicable obligations, not only as a competitive advantage, but as a market requirement. ISO 22301:2015 is the tool to achieve it.
GLOBAL O2 team of consultants and auditors has experience in consultancy, auditing and maintenance of business continuity management systems that are 100% customised to each client needs and the nature of the potential incidents identified, ensuring that the objectives and requirements of the organization and the clients are guaranteed.
Characteristics of ISO 22301 Business Continuity System
Manage Business Continuity
Manages risks and implements controls aimed at increasing resilience to respond effectively to a disruptive incident, protecting interests, reputation, brand and value creation activities.
Risks and Opportunities
Establishes a process for identifying risks of disruptive incidents, analysing and evaluate them, in order to establish actions for their treatment (PTR), monitoring and control.
Business Impact Analysis
Developing a “Business Impact Analysis” which identifies and evaluate the impacts of potential disruptive incidents, determines critical functions and interdependencies to define recovery objectives.
Context and Stakeholder Analysis
Analyses the internal and external situation and identifies the stakeholders that affect or may be affected. It determines their needs and expectations on these II.PP.
Comunicación interna y externa
Defines the communication mechanisms that the organization must implement for business continuity, taking into account legal obligations and other requirements.
Performance Evaluation
Defines indicators for monitoring, measuring, analysing and evaluating the performance of the business continuity management system in order to establish actions for improvement.
Integration with Other Systems
Eases its integration with other management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, UNE 166002,…) as it is based on the “High Level Structure – HLS” approach, that defines common framework an requirements between the standards.
External Audit and Certification
Allows the system to be reviewed by an external Certification Body, providing a recognized certificate that the ISO 22301:2015 system meets the requirements of the standard.
Supplier Evaluation
Establishes a process to evaluate the business continuity capability of relevant suppliers to the organization business continuity.
GLOBAL O2 Solutions in ISO 22301 Business Continuity System
Benefits of ISO 22301 Business Continuity System
Reduction of Business Risks
Establishes methods to identify, evaluate and manage organizational risks that may affect business continuity with the aim of preventing, eliminating or reducing them.
Costs Reduction
Instructed to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency enhance of resources of the business continuity management that turns out into the improvement of the business risk performance.
Regulatory Compliance
Disposition and proactivity to comply with regulatory obligations and requirements related to the continuity of its operations, products and services, as well as the interests of the stakeholders involved.
Confidence in Business Continuity
Offers customers, suppliers, shareholders,…, guarantees about the management of business continuity risks within the framework of the organization services.
Tendering, Overcoming Trade Barriers
Having an ISO 22301 business continuity management system allows you to expand your customer base, meet their requirements and generate new market niches.
Positive Differentiation
Offers guarantees of compliance with legal obligations, management of risks related to business continuity in the development of the organization activities.
Integrable with Other Systems
Its “High Level Structure – HLS” approach allows and eases the integration and optimisation with other management systems (ISO 9001, ISO27001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, UNE 166002, IQNet SR 10,…).
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Contact with con Global O2
Avda. Gran Vía del Sureste, 32 –F.5.C
(28051) Madrid – ESPAÑA
(+034) 91 425 47 71
Hours of Operation:
Lunes a Jueves: de 8:30 a 19:30
Viernes: de 8:30 a 15:00
Viernes: de 8:30 a 15:00