ISO 39001 | Road Traffic Safety Management Systems Consulting

injured road traffic accidents.

for the monitoring of the road traffic safety performance.

requirements that are applicable to the organization in
the Road traffic safety framework.

ISO 50001 Energy, IQNet SR10,…

Consulting, Audit and Training ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety
An ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management System is a management tool, applicable both to public and private organizations, to reduce, and even to eliminate, the number of deaths and seriously injuried persons caused by traffic accidents.
The team of consultants and auditors of GLOBAL O2 has a wide experience in consulting, audit, training and maintenance of the Road Traffic Safety Management Systems ISO 39001 100% customed to each client needs and the nature of their activities. The fulfilment of their objectives and demands and those of their clients, are guaranteed.
Characteristics of ISO 39001 Road Safety Management System
Reduce Road Traffic Risks
Diminish and can even eliminate, the incidence and the risk of persons killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents.
Context Analysis
Analyses the external and internal situation and determines the interested parties that are relevant to the Road Traffic Safety system. Identifies the needs and expectations of the relevant Interested Parties.
Risks Management
Provides a “preventive” approach when identifying the risks and opportunities of the Traffic management system stablishing actions for their control.
Compliance with Obligations
Establishes processes to identify fulfill and evaluate the legal obligations and other obligations that are applicable to the organization on their Road Traffic Safety framework.
Road Safety Indicators
Defines indicators in Road Traffic Safety (risk exposure, intermediate or final outcome) to evaluate and monitor its effectiveness and efficiency, establishing actions for its improvement.
Leadership and Commitment
Ensures the top management commitment with the planning, execution and improvement of the management system and its alignment with the strategic direction of the organization.
Documented Information
Allows greater flexibility in the structure, management and types of evidence that found and support the system (processes, procedures, operational controls, formats, registers,…).
External Audit and Certification
Allows the review of the system by a Certification Body that shows, by a recognized certificate, that the ISO 39001 system meets the requirements of the standard.
Integration with Other Systems
Eases its integration with other management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001,…) using the “High Level Structure” approach, that defines common framework and requirements between the standards.
GLOBAL O2 Solutions in ISO 39001
Benefits of ISO 39001 Road Safety Management System
Reduces Risks and Injuries
Proceeding according to the defined actions in the system ISO 39001 reduces the road traffic accidents and helps to minimise the injuries and saves lives.
Commitment with Road Safety
Instructed to guarantee the development and control of the road traffic safety within the organization in a continuous and recurrent manner, obligations compliance and continuous improvement.
Compliance of Obligations
Guarantees the processes to determine and evaluate the legal requirements that applies the organization about road traffic safety and provides the actions for the fulfilment of its compliance.
Bids and Trade Barriers
Having an ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety management implanted, allows expand the client portfolio, build loyalty and generate new market niches.
Participation of Interested Parties
Allows to carrying out, in a planned way, the pertinent communications in terms of Road Traffic Safety. These information must take into account the interested parties related to the system.
Cost Reduction
The improvement in the road safety of the organization increase the employees productivity by reducing the sick leaves due to road traffic accidents
Eases the Integration
The requirements established in the “High Level Structure” allows and eases the integration with other management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, UNE 166002, IQNet SR 10,…)
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Products and Solutions relative to ISO 39001
Contact with Global O2
Avda. Gran Vía del Sureste, 32 –F.5.C
(28051) Madrid – SPAIN
(+34) 91 425 47 71
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Thursday: from 8:30 to 19:30
Friday: from 8:30 to 15:00
Friday: from 8:30 to 15:00